What I Will do Better

  • Write more about my plans and tickets throughout the week
    • Make them more descriptive than current ones from the beginning of the class and make maybe add photos and code for at the time of what I am/was doing.
  • Learn more stuff individual on my own time
    • While relying on others is somewhat of a strength, I rather also know how to do something and only have to ask when it’s really necessary. I found myself asking a lot of questions which I accept since I’m new to coding but would like to see myself as a helper rather than someone in need.
  • Work more on schedule in intrevals rather than huge spurts
    • As of writing this I am doing this rather later than I would like. I want to work on working faster and also not make workloads huge or extremely small. I want work to be done in the span of time than at one single time. I will work on this.
    • Ex: Clash Royale API -Although we were doing work throughout the week, they were definetely done slowly and not and great speeds. When the deadline came near the team started to work faster together. This was not something of a daily basis which would have gone faster and done more stuff we wanted to do. We had big plans but yet we didn’t do since we didn’t prepare with time and with each other enough.

Goals Onward

  • Work in intervals rather than spurts
  • Individual learning
  • More in depth plans and tickets
  • Better colaboration / teamwork

Reflection of Trimester 1

  • Throughout this trimester I’ve learned a heap of things. For starters I learned that I should do my work earlier with time to spare at the end. Having code to do while being on a crunch is bad and was not able to add features that would be impressive or better since times weren’t alligning. That it completely my fault and will strive to do better in the upcoming weeks and in life in general. from just learning to install the programs to doing the work with other people was really fun to be honest and a good time. I wish to become a more intellegent person in code as I do find it interesting and fun to do. I want to know more and show more quality and details in my future works. This experience has really helped me for trimest 1 as it has taught me the what not to do and what I should do. This was the gateway into the realm of coding with many more things to learn. I am ready to countinue learning and will have fun doing so. Trimester 1 was just the starting point in my journey of code.

Individual Learning
