My Score



I’ve discoved that I took a long time to finish this test. I did really well but with a lot of time spent. After looking at what I missed, I had many in subjects where it was like 1 question per section with no repeating from what I’ve seen.

  • Boolean Expressions
  • The Internet
  • Safe Computing
  • Lists
  • Calling Procedures
  • Iteration

Questions I Got Wrong:

Question 15:

  • I got this wrong because the correct code starts at coordinates (0,1). Within the repeater, there is a line that increases x-value by 1 which will draw the first line. The len variable then increases the length as the graph keeps on going to create the visual shown above.

Question 19:

  • I got this wrong because I didn’t consider keylogging. It doesn’t matter how strong someone’s password is if the keylogger can flag the person using the same keys to write a password on other sites. This leaves an easy vulnerability to take advantage of.

Question 23:

  • I got this wrong because honestly I didn’t know it. I thought it was something about communications but the answer ended up being about the interent’s scalability. It uses open protocols to easily connect additional computing devices to the network.

Question 28:

  • I got this wrong because I didn’t know what it was asking. There was no prompt and all I got was the visual and that the letters ‘j’ and ‘k’ got integer values. It looks like it was looking for a infinite loop and I ended up picking an answer that hit a result and stopped.

Question 36:

  • I got this wrong because I thought the answer was about sourcing and multiples of devices having the data but the least likely was about authentication because the data is all over places in the public like social media. All the info online can be then collected be collected by anyone and used for whatever purpose they want. This leaves authenticated access not the big worry but actually making social media a bigger problem of data since it’s so public.

Question 55:

  • I got this wrong because I didn’t think the 1 within the correct answer would be set as the first string as I thought it would start at zero. This code however puts the variable at the front with the other utensils after. This is done by putting the last variable in the temp and then deleting it. After doing so, temp is then put to the front with the other utensils after. I don’t know how this happened but can only speculate it has to do with the 1 and insert.

Question 63:

  • I got this wrong because I got only one of the two correct. The one on the left is right and the one on the right is wrong. I honestly don’t know what I got wrong. The answer on the bottom is the other correct answer. When looking at the difference of the two, I can’t see the difference. They look like they serve the same purpose but they are different somehow. I’m guessing it has to do with something about the and statement not being in the brackets as input1 and input2.

Review on questions:

I think if I had more thought process on some of these questions, I would be able to solve it after finding out the correct answers were so simple. That being said, everything is easy to plug in after knowing the reasoning behind the answer. That being said, I think I just need to think more carefully when answering some of these questions as some of these incorrect answers could’ve been easily avoided.

Overall Reflection

I think that I did well with a really good result. One big problem however, is the time I took to take the test. It took me like 3 hours to complete and I have to cut that down by at least half. That is going to be a tall task to fix as I need to make faster decision making. I would like to get a 100% of course but sometimes I over or underperceive questions. I do think that there were some questions that I guessed, but not completely. I was not confident, I used terminology and got the answer so maybe it wasn’t guessing and more intuition. That being said, I would rather know the answer completely than have to use my intuition to make a good estimate. There is always next time, as I can always study and do better next time.