My Score


My Journey

My journey through CSP has been a alright one. There are ups and downs. When I first came to class in the first trimester, I was really excited and still am about code. I think it’s such a facinating thing to look at. Just like anyone else, I was really clueless. Especially when it came to the installation of vscode and other items. I found it hard at the time for some reason but I got through it. I was finally able to code which was the fun part. Starting out was trying to put images on the index.html and I for some reason found this incredibly hard. I then found methods that work for me such as using the raw image link which is the main way I like doing it. Now we work on some other stuff like backend of binary and just like the image problem, it’s hard to find out but once it has been, completing tasks such as those will become easier as the longer time I work with it. I can’t wait to move foward in my journey of learning and what the future holds for it.

My Learnings

From what I’ve learned from the from the college board are:

  • The internet and the technical side of it besides Google.
  • Connections and communications between lines.
  • The harm that technology brings besides all the positives for humans.
  • The digital divide and how it affects others from advancing technology fowards.
  • How computer programs are biased towards certain characteristics and the changes involved to fix that.
  • The speed and ideas crowdsourcing gives to projects.
  • That problems can’t all just be solved by a computer.
  • The legal licensing that is used and all around but never really looked at.
  • Being safe on the internet.

All these lessons from the team teaches that came from the college board gave me a better understanding of the world that we live in that coexists with technology and the internet. When technology becomes 1:1 with our daily lives, things like being safe on the internet and the inclusion of all in the growth of technology will help everyone in shaping the world into a better place with communications going all around.


I’ve discoved after taking test that my score is really good. After looking at what I missed, they are a combination of 3 topics.

  • Developing Algorithms
  • Identifying and Correcting Errors
  • Random Values

Questions I Got Wrong:

Question 22:

  • I got this wrong because there is a 1 of 8 chances on this spinner as 3/4 of the spinner is taken by move 1 spacce and then the rest of the 1/4 is divided into to which would be 2/8 of a chance. As for the code, I don’t really understand how it works but I’m guessing that if the spinner 1, then that is 1/8 and then if the spinnner equals 2, then that is the other 1/8. This leaves the else statement that if neither of those answers of 1 or 2 is reached, the answer would be 3-8 which would be 6/8 chance.

Question 23:

  • I got this wrong because I guess I wasn’t paying attention enough. The question is asking me to pick the statement that would be true with the flowchart. Because the statements are all going towards availability, I need the answer to be true and to do this, I would have to be available during the weekends and the miles to be less than 20.

Question 45:

  • I got this wrong because I thought you can only win with the answer of 3 but you can also win with 0 which can be deined as 3 for heads or 0 for tails.

Question 58:

  • I honestly don’t understand what is going on in this problem. The statement if x=y would be the first and the middle one but if not, it would by y=z which would be the midle and last one. I don’t understand how the answer is bat, cat, bat.

Question 67:

  • I don’t know why I got this wrong as it’s asking for a value that won’t be returned. In the first image with the two are the correct answers with the green highlighted being my answer and the answer in the next image below is my other answer. The answer that is correct that isn’t mine I don’t understand how this can’t be returned by my other answer can’t.

Review on questions:

I can do better in these subjects as I just need to do better by studying the college board and online, consulting peers, and simply ask ChatGBT if I have to. There are always ways to get better with dedication to the subjects to fill in the gaps in the knowledge I have.

Overall Reflection

I really like coding and the concept of it and will continue to learn and love doing it for fun. Although there can be some frustrating times, they are good memmories to look back to. I will contiue to learn and get all the knowledge I need to complete the task at hand. I looke forward to what I will learn next and where it will bring me.